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Still need to capture your story?

No worries! Below are some options to help you capture your story!


Capture your story at home!

These instructions will help you capture your story but first you should decide which form you will your story will take.

To give you an idea here are some popular story forms: video, voice recording, photograph, artwork including a painting, collage, drawing, or sculpture, and a written word piece such as a poem or song.

Once you have chosen your story form read those specific instructions!

  • Please introduce yourself at the beginning of the recording. The following questions are optional and are just a suggestion to include in your introduction.

    Share your first name and last initial, or your initials

    Share your age

    Share what city you live in

    Share a little bit about yourself (favorite hobby, if you have any pets) and how long you have been visiting the Fairgrounds

    The following questions are designed to help guide you through the storytelling process. Please be as descriptive as possible when answering. Try using your various senses (sounds, smells, tastes, feels) and descriptive words. There are no wrong answers!

    As a warmup to get the creativity flowing ask yourself... If you had to describe the Fairgrounds in three words, what would they be? If the Fairgrounds had a theme song, what would it be? If the Fairgrounds had a mascot, what would it be?

    Now we ask you...

    How would you describe the Fairgrounds to someone who has never been there? Think about how you feel when you are on the Fairgrounds, what are you seeing, smelling, hearing?

    Describe how you have experienced the Fairgrounds. What do you do while at the Fairgrounds? How do you get there? What’s the weather like?

    Please share a personal story that is related to the Fairgrounds. Is there a specific memory that comes to mind? What would you like to add to the community’s collective memory and archive of the Fairgrounds?

    When finished you can upload your recording here.

  • We invite you to submit a photograph that was captured at the Fairgrounds and share a story or memory that accompanies it OR you are welcome to submit a photograph that was not captured on the Fairgrounds but speaks to a story or memory on the Fairgrounds.

    When finished you can upload the photograph here.

  • We invite you to submit original artwork that captures a personal story or memory about the Fairgrounds.

    When thinking about the story or memory you would like to share we invite you to get the creativity flowing and ask yourself... If you had to create a logo for the Fairgrounds, what would it look like? What colors come to mind when you think about the Fairgrounds? What textures and patterns?

    The following questions are offered as a guide to help you brainstorm your piece, they are only a suggestion and do not need to be answered through your artwork.

    How would you describe the Fairgrounds to someone who has never been there? Think about how you feel when you are on the Fairgrounds, what are you seeing, smelling, hearing?

    Describe how you have experienced the Fairgrounds. What do you do while at the Fairgrounds? How do you get there? What’s the weather like?

    Please share a personal story that is related to the Fairgrounds. Is there a specific memory that comes to mind? What would you like to add to the community’s collective memory and archive of the Fairgrounds?

    Please upload your artwork here.

  • We invite you to submit an original piece of writing that captures a story or memory related to the Fairgrounds.

    When thinking about the story or memory you would like to share we invite you to get the creativity flowing and ask yourself... If you had to describe the Fairgrounds in three words, what would they be? If the Fairgrounds had a theme song, what would it be? If the Fairgrounds were a novel what is it’s title?

    The following questions are offered as a guide to help you write your piece, they are only a suggestion and do not need to be answered in your submission.

    How would you describe the Fairgrounds to someone who has never been there? Think about how you feel when you are on the Fairgrounds, what are you seeing, smelling, hearing?

    Describe how you have experienced the Fairgrounds. What do you do while at the Fairgrounds? How do you get there? What’s the weather like?

    Please share a personal story that is related to the Fairgrounds. Is there a specific memory that comes to mind? What would you like to add to the community’s collective memory and archive of the Fairgrounds?

    Please upload your poem or written word piece here.

  • We invite you to submit a personal story or memory about the Fairgrounds in a form of media that is not listed above.

    Please contact Kelsey Hubbard at to make sure the exhibit can accommodate your story form.


Have questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section of this site or contact Kelsey Hubbard at